While not having to shave every day was a pleasant change of pace, the fact is that I felt like more effort was needed to keep the beard well kept and clean. Constant trimming above the lip was starting to get on my nerves, and it also absorbed sweat and food like a muther fucker. While I felt like the beard demanded more respect from my fellow alpha males, I wasn't getting the feeling that it was impressing the ladies at all either, and thus the end of the great experiment.
It only seems right that the lumberjack bows out in step with the summer term of classes. Today was, for all intents and purposes, my last day toiling at Drexel until further notice and I'm quite happy about it. Sure I still have a few finals to take next week, but hey, that's next week. Live in the now! And the now says that the unimpressive-sounding "pre-junior" year is over. I would celebrate properly, but alas, I'm poor. No seriously, I have less than twenty dollars to my name. It seems that all my efforts last year to save money were not totally in vain, since I was able to pay tuition, rent and living expenses up until this point, but the well of happiness has finally run out and I am now forced to suffer until I get my first paycheck at my next job. They say that misery loves company, which in this case is my roommates here at the ol' Larchwood estate, but like a new issue of "Maxim" it can only redirect my attention from my pathetic life for so long. Needless to say, I can't way to get to work and start making some money.
Along with starting work (at Johnson Mathey in W. Deptford if I forgot to mention), our soccer season at Audubon will also be getting under way. As far as I can tell, we've used our preseason much more effectively than we did last year, and it feels like the kids are more game ready than I expected. Some key pieces from our success last year aren't there, including our leading goal scorer, but most of our best players are still on the roster and a few of the new kids to the team are actually looking very good. Last year, our team lost one game and tied twice, and while my brothers have been nothing but pessimistic about our chances, I'm starting to think we can match our previous success. Tickets for the games are available at Ticketmaster, so make sure you pick some up before they run out.
The start of soccer season also marks the start of something else: FOOTBALL! Like a dope who drinks the sand because he's so thirsty for water, I've been following every preseason game possible. The Eagles have looked really good so far: McNabb looks better than I've ever seen him, the team has run the ball pretty effectively, and the defense is looking like the hard-hitting, child-eating Eagles defenses of yore. On top of the hype, I was recently reminded of yet another life lesson that I've come away with over the years; always trust the Eagles front office. When everyone thought the Eagles were idiots for not taking big contracts for free agent receivers, the Eagles took everyone by surprise and got a great receiver in donate' stalwartly for next to nothing. For a backup LB and a forth round draft pick, the Eagles added a 4 year veteran receiver who had over 700 yds. and 7 touchdowns on a bad team and who runs a 4.2 forty yard dash. Fist pumps were aplenty when I was told the news.
Speaking of football, I'll close with something that almost no one will care about, except a select few. Two weeks ago, we had our fantasy football draft for our ten team league. We start 1 QB, 1 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, a D/ST and K, with RB usually getting the most points. I had the second pick in our draft, which also meant I didn't have my second pick till the end of the second round. In case you are one of the few people in this world cursed with caring about fantasy sports, here in my team, with the starters at the top. Note the trade bait and depth on my bench, in a ten person league no less. Enjoy.
Shaun Alexander
Eli Manning
Steve Smith
Rod Smith
Jeremy Shockey
Chicago D/ST
Jeff Wilkins
Steven Jackson
Ronnie Brown
Eagles D/ST
Daunte Culpepper
Joe Horn
Kellen Winslow Jr.
Correy Dillon
Chester Taylor
Rodey White