March 02, 2006

Woke Up the Same

It's been a few days since I posted on here, but I've been pretty busy and really tired. I find it fairly frustrating that I get so tired in the morning when I was a morning person in HS. Looking back though, I just had a strict schedule where, even on the weekends, I was in bed by 12 the latest, and even then, it did take me awhile to get really energized in school (I think that after 3rd period I was good to go). Lately, I've been close to falling asleep at my desk in the morning and its incredibly annoying to me. I always jolt myself awake, go grab some tea or other caffeinated drink, and tell myself I'm acting like an ass in the workplace. Maybe I'm just getting to old for this late night shit.

Speaking of which, I stealthily turned 21 yesterday. No big deal. No....... really. You know what it was like? Have you ever known someone who was about to be thrust on stage, and everyone is calmly encouraging them and congratulating them before the big moment, but in the back of everyone's mind, they are all waiting anxiously to see what the person does on stage? It was kind of like that. It's no secret that I don't "partake", so I think a good deal of people were quietly waiting to see what would happen when I hit the 'of age' mark.

What can I say, drinking = not me.

It really wasn't that incredible. The fact is that even if I did drink, my birthday was right in the middle of the work week, where I have to wake up at 6am, and on top of that, all my close friends are underage and spread from Reading to Glassboro. Tuesday was dinner at my Dad's, and then yesterday I drove from work straight to Jersey to eat with my Mom. That's really all that happened. Both promised to take me out to get furniture for my room as a present, which is fine with me because (at the moment) I only have a dresser and a few minor pieces for my room. My dad also gave me a 1922 silver dollar that my Grandpi gave to him, so that was really cool. Nana sent me a check, grandma guaranteed hers was on the way, and I got a phonecall from all my Uncles. Not a typical 21st birthday, but a good family one for sure.

And no, I didn't drink for the day, and I still don't plan on it, so BACK THE FUCK OFF!!!!

Just kidding. Like usual, I just don't care. I'm just happy I can go to a casino, bring $1's to a strip club, pick up some beer for friends, or sit at a bar and not have to worry or get caught, so that's always cool.

I'm going to try and do is talk to Ray and get something to happen for Mike's birthday, which is coming up in a week.

Oh yea, and the Flyers are back. Nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo Bro.. are you sure you werent still "partaking" while writing this? because i remember calling you also :) haha one more thing.. you mentioned bringing dollar bills to strip clubs. did you know you couldve done that since you turned 18? and how serious are you about purchasing beer for friends? in all seriousness, nice entries. i enjoy them. feels like im not hundreds of miles away. like how i make this all about me? you shouldnt be suprised. youve known me my whole life.