Basically, Dimitry has a friend in his frat that works for the Phillies on his co-op, and he got us Luxury suite seats right behind home plate. The suite was awesome: there was an area with couches and an HD TV, we had our own private bathroom, and then there was the balcony where we could watch the action on the field. When our suite manager set up a free buffet with wings, dogs, beer and soda, we knew we were in for a good time.
What's even more incredible is that his buddy got us a voucher worth $500. At some point in the fourth inning, with our stomachs full, we decided to walk around and see what we could do. After getting a few little snacks, it was inevitable that someone would eventually ask the million dollar question: "can we use this on merchandise?" We asked around about what voucher money could be used on, and a couple of employees gave us the go ahead, so we made a bee line for the Phillies store on Ashburn alley. We bought about $150 worth of hats and #1 foam fingers, and at that point we were on cloud nine.
Then it got interesting. Charly (yes that's how it's spelled, his asian mom loved Charlie Sheen but couldn't spell a lick) decided he wanted a hat too, so they went back inside and tried to get one. Well they went to a different cashier, one who didn't believe what the computer was telling her about the balance on the voucher. Long story short, we went through a two inning ordeal where they took back our hats and Dimitry's friend almost got in trouble, but everything worked out fine. In all honesty, the kid was an idiot who was trying to show off his power by getting us the funny money coupon. If you give people free food at a sporting event and then give them a piece of paper that's worth $500, they are gonna try to spend it. But everything worked out, and no one got in trouble. We made our way back to our suite, slightly deflated, but still having a good time, and proceeded to watch the Phillies come back against the Braves and win. It was definitely the most fun I've ever had at a Phillies game.
Yesterday was a lot of fun too. I've been a lazy bum for the last, oh . . . 3 years, but my housemates and I went over to the park near us and played some two hand touch football. It was hot and the field was dusty, but it was hella fun. Turns out that even though I'm out of shape, my speed and quickness never went away, which was good news to me. My endurance isn't what it used to be though, so I was dead tired afterwards, but so was everyone else. Our friend Sundje is a speedy ninja who did track in HS, and his tank never seemed to run out, but it was a good battle with him all day. Jay and Phil were on my team, and we won the game by a pretty sizeable margin. We all agreed that we should try to play at least once a week, since it's a good work out and a lot of fun.
Tonight we're all going to Atlantic City to test our luck at the Borgata. Wish me luck.
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