Second, for anyone left wondering after the already mentioned "controversial post", cooler heads prevailed and everything seems to be fine. I talked things out with the parties involved later that week and cleared the air on pretty much everything. In fact, Kaitlin and John have since gotten back together which has greatly helped to smooth things over.
I didn't think that I was writing to be scandalous or anything like that, but you can't dictate what offends people and I can appreciate that. Still, I couldn't help being reminded of a similar incident back during the infancy days of this blog in which I wrote about something that rubbed a friend the wrong way. I'd reiterate that I'm not trying to piss people off or alienate anyone, but what I wrote back then still rings true:
...this is a place where I come to write down not only what is going on in my life, but also a place for me to convey how I feel and what I think. Many times, as I'm sure is evident in most people's blogs, their current mood is projected onto their entries.
If you come here, then expect nothing less than what I am: I am honest, I won't pull punches, and I'm using this medium as a sort of outlet for these qualities, along with the desire to tell stories and share with others. If I say something that may be offensive and you want to talk about it, then feel free to IM me... but please don't take what I say here too personally. I come here describe, to rant, to vent, to tell people what I'm doing and why and how I feel.
I think that me being so honest and outspoken is what (hopefully) makes this blog an interesting and entertaining read, so perhaps that can be considered next time I open my big mouth.
A few brief topics from the last month:
Congratulations to all the college graduates, and an especially sad goodbye to the wonderful ladies from the UArts right here in Philadelphia. In the last month or so I've been lucky enough to make friends with some particularly interesting (and beautiful) girls through my connection: Phil's girlfriend, the fantastic Meghann Weaver. With all the drama that's been going on in the house, having a group of friends to go out with on the weekends has been a sanity saver. Now I say "especially sad" for a couple of reasons. First, it's been made painfully clear that we could have been socializing with the girls from center city more than a year ago if Phil and I hadn't been so retarded (Phil always needed "one of the guys" to hang with when Meghann wanted to go out, and I always needed hot dancer friends with colorful personalities to improve my outlook on life . . . then again, what guy doesn't need that). Second, with graduation comes moving out, and for most people who practice the arts, that means just one thing: New York City. Both in quality and quantity, NYC truly is the apex market for dancers, actors and the like. With a few exceptions, most of the girls are leaving the city of brotherly love for the city that never sleeps, which means less people to go out with on Friday nights. There are plenty of other reasons too, all of which I really can't get into here as they are fairly specific from girl to girl. Needless to say, it feels like there is some unfinished business with a few of them that might one day be rectified. Either way, best of luck to them all.
- Gwen moved out and as far as I'm concerned, good riddance. Jay found an incredibly relevant article from the onion that pretty much summed up the situation in the house for the last year. Au revoir chienne!
- In this space, I should be writing about the return of the prodigal son and forgiving old friends. It would have been an uplifting tale, worth the devotion of an entire entry in which I would have talked about loyalty to friends, devotion, and doing the right thing. Instead, I'm left to write a cryptic paragraph purely to put my thoughts out there. Sadly, I was right to be skeptical of what turned out to be a disingenuous visit and I'm not even mad anymore, I'm just disgusted and disappointed.
1 comment:
Tegan.....I googled myself and FOUND your blog entry about me! Your lucky it was nice because I read the whole thing!! Cya like tomorrow ;-)
-Meghann Weaver
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