Celebrating the birth of J.C. is always good, but this year was actually near the top of the list from a purely superficial standpoint. I had a pretty short, cheap but specific list this year and I got everything that I wanted: new CDs, pool cue case, slippers, alarm clock, electric shaver.... you get the idea. Combine that with the success of my presents to my family members (I have to see if my mom was able to figure out her new MP3 player I got her, I don't know if Kristen would be much help in the technology department), and I'd say things went very well.
Christmas Eve I spent in Jersey, and dinner with the family went well. Even went to mass at St. Rose (don't tell God, but that was my first time in church in probably 4 years at least). I then got woken up promptly at 7:45 by anxious little brothers, and the wrapping paper massacre began. After phase one of Christmas was over, we proceeded to the facilities in Pennsylvania for phase two. Started opening there around lunch time, and when everything was said and done, I was a very happy little boy.
Other than family related activities, not much else happened, but that's usually the case around holidays like these. Went out to Reading on Monday to hang with Jay, Brian Bobb, and D-Money. Chilled for a bit before we all headed over to Cabelas, which for people more accustomed to suburban life, is like the KOP of outdoor supply stores. Not only did this place have every supply and accessory you can think of, they have stuffed bears and elephants, giant aquarium tanks filled with lake and stream fish, and even a plane hanging from the ceiling.
Rachel is staying at the Palace del Kent this week (she's on break from the 'Cuse), so I met up with them and Brett yesterday at our usual place. For some reason we had the longest wait ever, almost felt bad since all the times we've gone there the service has been good. Then I went back to hang out and check out his poker table that he brought from home (for anyone interested, we're gonna have a game at his place next weekend, probably on the 7th, .25/.50 NL cash game with a $50 max buy in). Then we watched the movie that Rach got for King: "Girls on Trampolines, Special Holiday Edition" !!!! Oh yea, it was as good as you think it was. Not arousing in the least to be honest, even with a few "talented" girls in it (they do get topless), but mostly hilarious and entertaining.