November 29, 2005

Love and Hate

Got me thinking from a conversation today, what I love and what I hate. Well........

What I Love
  1. Genuine women: no immature girls, no fake bullshit. Smart, outspoken, light-hearted and playful; that's all I want, though it seems hard to find.
  2. Fantastic Films: I love movies, especially the ones that are well done. Comedy, western, war, drama, if a movie does what it's supposed to and does it well, I'm all about it.
  3. Food
  4. Competition: life is boring unless you are trying to show up somebody else, or prove your worth and merit in something. Sports, games, anything... I'll take it all on.
  5. Honesty and Passion: two qualities I really enjoy in others and myself. People who are honest and don't mislead you always get my respect, and people who are passionate about what they do really appeal to me (perhaps why Brian Dawkins is my favorite Eagle, or Kevin Spacey my favorite actor).
  6. New socks
  7. Humor: I can't imagine life without laughing at random bullshit with friends and family. Sarcasm and clever wit cater to my liking the most, I just hate when people can't take a fucking joke and are way too serious.
  8. Pool (like you didn't know it was coming)
What I Hate
  1. Fake people: toolbags, beer bitches, posers, wiggers... you name it, I probably hate it. Stop being fake and try to show us who you really are instead of putting up this wall of bullshit that I have to deal with now.
  2. ***Smoking: Can't believe I forgot this one. This is the worst with girls. I swear, chicks lose so many points with me by smoking, you can easily go from a perfect 10 to a 6 just like that.
  3. Stubbing my toe
  4. Extremes: really hot, really cold, ultra conservative, hippy liberals, you get the idea. Whoever it was that said "the world is black and white, there is no grey" was probably a pussy who decided that a middleground was a bad idea.
  5. Spoiled brats
  6. Overly serious people: lighten up pleeeeeeeeeeeeease. Just because you want to hate, or are in a perpetual bad mood, doesn't mean you can't laugh when something is funny.
  7. MTV: die already will you!!! And take all the reality/idol/extreme makeover/unoriginal shows with you. Go away and never come back.
  8. Bees and mosquitoes: granted, the one makes honey, but in the summer when you are trying to enjoy the outdoors, these guys make life hell.
  9. Fat chicks in tight clothes
This list is subject to change, so it may change as things occur to me.

Ok, this was a pretty pointless post, what, you wanna fight about it?

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