November 28, 2005

A Fair Warning . . .

Don't read this blog.

No, seriously. Don't bother reading it. It could be harmful if you do.

It was brought to my attention that a recent entry offended a friend of mine. Let it be known that it is not my intention to shit on anybody or make people look bad. If you feel that I do this, then I apologize.

However, this is a place where I come to write down not only what is going on in my life, but also a place for me to convey how I feel and what I think. Many times, as I'm sure is evident in most people's blogs, their current mood is projected onto their entries.

This weekend I found myself in a bad situation. I am sure, as I have assured the person in question, that nothing was done to intentionally screw me or anything. Yet the situation was one that has been all-too familiar in my life. It is a situation that I wouldn't want ANYBODY to find themselves in, and it's a situation that, when given the history of the people involved, can be hard to discount as unintentional or unique. I am quick to forgive and leave the past where it is, but I shouldn't be expected to forget the past and not use the lessons of history to form an opinion on a current events.

If you come here, then expect nothing less than what I am: I am honest, I won't pull punches, and I'm using this medium as a sort of outlet for these qualities, along with the desire to tell stories to share with others. If I say something that may be offensive and you want to talk about it, then feel free to IM me as the friend who was surprised at my statements did, but please don't take what I say here too personally. I come here to describe, to rant, to vent, to tell people what I'm doing and why and how I feel.

Hell, who knows, there might not even be a significant number of people that read this shit I write anyway, but here I will officially write my disclaimer to the audience.

So with that said: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Now I'm going to try to find something to do tonight since I did practically nothing this weekend. If you want to get together this week/weekend, let me know. No more soccer, so Sundays are officially part of the weekend again.

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