February 08, 2006

February Funk

Timing is probably one of the most important things you can master. I feel I have an above average mastery of timing. Granted, sometimes my actions or statements have been called into question (one such example being the Ashley debacle, in which timing should have been set to 'never'), but who hasn't? Lately, the timing around my perfect little world has seemed somewhat off. For some reason, it just doesn't seem like people are choosing the right times for things, it's kinda hard to explain, but in my mind I just continually find myself muttering "well that could have waited" or "it's about time".

Oh well, I guess I'll have to deal with it. One minor example of this was lunch today at work. For some reason, the company whipping boy decided that 10:50 was a great time to go pick up our orders. Instead of the usual social atmosphere of fellow co-workers at noon, I was delighted to enjoy the awkward silence of eating a cheesesteak a full half hour early. Nothing like boring conversation between two people to really liven up the work day.

Speaking of cheesesteak, I really miss a good wiz. It's a cultural phenomenon that has completely grown on me. For quite some time, I've been unable to ignore the voice in my head that tells me that a steak covered in anything but wiz is unworthy. There's a very good chance that I'll give in to my desires soon and guide myself by the light of William Penn to the focus of my mind. Mmmmmm . . . . I can taste it already.

With the exception of ball-numbing cold, there's not a whole lot to talk about so far this week. Kent place fairly well in a tournament he played on Monday. He got halfway through the final table before running into some tough luck, but he still managed to collect some decent winnings upwards of $500. The best part is he did all this while playing WoW at the same time. I'd look over, and he'd go from killing orcs to raising pocket Kings, then taking a gryphon to Ironforge to check the Auction House, then back to collecting a pot. It was somewhat impressive and quite hilarious, since he was able to do both with more than moderate success. I told him he'd have to dual-play more often, since it was his best tournament showing in some weeks.

Also, Jay revealed that he's looking to spend whatever vacation time we have this year more wisely than last year by camping somewhere in the southerly direction, probably N.C. It's obviously way to early to say anything is concrete, but I'm definitely up for taking a few days off for some outdoor activities. As long as the weather cooperates more than it did during our Freshmen trip to Virginia, it should be a pretty good time.

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