I always check the news though. Every day. CNN International mostly, if I don't local stuff, for that I frequent CBS 3. Why international? Well, our internet is through a server in Germany, since Degussa (the company whose teat our company feeds off of) is based there. So when I search for CNN on day one of my work experience here, the international CNN came up.
There is some dangerous and depressing bullshit going on there ladies and gentlemen. You think shit is bad here? You think Katrina investigations and Austrian governators and Grammy night winners are big news? If you do, here's some easy to follow advice: pull your thumb out of your ass and start caring, or shove your head up there as well and pretend it will all blow over.
With all the decapitations, bombings, diplomat kidnappings, terrorist activities, nuclear defiance, insurgencies, escaped masterminds, Hamas leadership and cartoon-driven hysteria going on in the world, I've been driven to a very important and mind blowing conclusion:
Fuck 'em. Yeah, that's it. Screw it all. No one likes us. No one wants our help. No one wants to lend a helping hand. Oh yeah, let's just go ahead and take the next step that most of the populace here and abroad is pushing for, and just become totally isolationist. Why not? It's not like the world needs our help with anything. It's not like WWIII would have happened two times over by now without our "intervention". What was I thinking all these years? I'm ashamed of myself. All the tsunami aid, giving more money towards AIDS prevention in Africa than any other country, trying to stop absolute anarchy in the Middle East and abroad . . . all of it, not our business.
What fools we've been. Germany had it right the third time around. Cut yourself off and try to get involved as little as possible with important but dangerous issues. That's the way. Sign me up. Send our boys home and lets just ride this storm out. Good luck Europe with the bullshit, we promise not to interfere like we did in WWI and WWII ever again.
If you can't detect the sarcasm dripping from this post, then I see you actually got your head up there, well done.
On a side note, while I originally wrote it off to perhaps a Google search of family names, it's pretty evident to me now that someone, who we'll call M. Tegan . . . . wait, that's too obvious, let's go with Michael T., has been checking this blog out almost daily from work. I must write about interesting stuff, because the only other reason for a parent to check their kids blog would be to get dirt on them. Luckily for me, and despite my candor and sometimes outrageous honesty, I actually don't do anything inappropriate or illegal, so I guess I'm in the clear.
But as long as that's not the case, read on pops.
1 comment:
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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